About Us

At Macho Protein, our journey began with a passion for protein and a vision to make it more accessible. Our story revolves around three high school friends: Adam Rubin, Zack Decter, and Sam Klein. Adam is a sophomore studying finance at Tulane University. He interned at Blackstone Valley Wealth Management and will intern at Fiduciary Trust International this summer. Zack is an aspiring chef studying food entrepreneurship at Johnson & Wales University, one of the nation’s elite undergraduate culinary programs. He offers private catering through his company, Chef Zack’s Culinary Services, and has accepted a position as a chef for the New England Patriots. Sam is a freshman majoring in marketing at Tulane University, and he founded a startup with over 100k in revenue – Student Landscapes. He gave back to the community through his pro bono work, providing free landscaping services to the elderly.

The idea for Macho Protein was born when Adam had a realization at the grocery store. He noticed that if two sauces tasted the same, but one had a higher protein content, he would choose the one with more protein. This gave him the idea to create sauces and condiments that are high in protein. One year later, with the help of Zack’s culinary skills, they got a preliminary patent for incorporating whey protein without changing the texture of sauces and condiments. Because our products are chef-made, they also taste better than store-bought sauce. 

Our goal is to provide food pantries nationwide with our protein-enriched sauce to ensure that everyone has the chance for proper nourishment. 

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